RP Designs

2005-08-13 - 12:06 a.m.
When i am tired my brain rambles

Where do you work?

My advice, just keep being fixated but dont do anything rash, then one day you will notice that you think less and less of him, he will still be there but less and less and less, you will start to worry about other things, time will pass, and he will seem erelavent, and insignificant to everything.
But you gotta be patient, which is always a bitch to do.
Or maybe its fate *looks up to the heavens above* or just bad timing, haha.
And if my advice does not work, then take up video games, they totally take your mind off of everything.

Long boring jibber jabber, read at risk:
(One time i was playing this one game and for a week i swore i could jump and hover above things, and also my mind of filled with figuring out different strategies to beat it. And if that doesnt work then play the video games later at night, there for your tired, so its all going into your brain mostly subliminaly, so then when your tired and cant beat it instead of being frustarted over boy, it will make you frustrated over the game, and then you will fall alseep with game anger. Or learn how to photo edit, it consumes your brain to, sometimes when i'm tired and drawing i look for an undo button....sometimes... it takes hours)

But yes, maybe it is better then being fixated on your job.
ekkk i'm glad my job is full of little kids, and drama buffs.

p.s. listen to Wilco's album, A Ghost Is Born.

FYI! i finally got my leaners! hazaa!! haha you know i only failed 2 times before... whatever i had better hair today anyway.
and tomorrow i'm going to go visit the dinosaures, and i am quite excited...though father is making us get up freakishly early to... get there when it opens... which is 9am... and drumheller is... some amount of a many pretty mile away.

i think bed time has come upon me

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