RP Designs

2005-12-30 - 6:25 p.m.

Clearly, if you cannot be civil about getting your point across, it was never a decent point in the first place. However, since this civility has been abolished, maybe you should back your trash up in person? Grow the fuck up, first rule of debate. Not officially, but it seems to make sense.

Back to the arguement at hand, I think it can be agreed that the problem at hand is not the presence of corporations themselves, but the way they are run. YES, near everything is run by a corporation, there is no denying this. However, the same enigma present within politics exists within corportations. Yes there are a vast number of really shitty leaders throughout the world, but do they have to be this shitty? Of course not. The same goes for corporations. Can corporations exist at a point which doesn't obliverate the mental and physical space around them? Of course. Obviously, this isn't happening, and eventually some change is going to have to happen before the breaking point.

It is painfully clear that about 95% of the corporations existing today serve the well being of themselves and not others. But what about the other five percent? Mind you this is not an actual percentage, but there are corporations taking the initiative to make a difference, to not destroy the environment, to not use exploit humanity to bring in profit, etc etc. This comment about corporations existing everywhere is common god damn sense. No shit they run everything. Did you hear humans wipe their asses too?

Its fucking pathetic to see someone cast a political belief into some kind of pool of fads. Unlike you, perhaps, maybe people believe in something for themselves rather than the response it brings. Grow the fuck up.

And the comment on David living in America.... Where is the relevance to a well honed defense in this? I recommend you shut the fuck up and purchase some more banana republic to fill the void in your pathetic little life.

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