RP Designs

2005-11-09 - 11:21 a.m.
Stay Human

I am proud to be your father on this, the day of your....entering into community theatre. (?!?)
What a beautiful world it is.

I was just reading the the EARLY blog and man has it changed! It was actually very odd that many times I could not tell if it was me or somebody else who had writen certain entries. I guess that is why we all were so close...we felt the same about a LOT.

But damn those entries feel like a centery ago. So weird, so weird. I find it funny that the first explosion of bitchiness was surrounding a template change. I had forgotten about that. The drama! I remember thinking at that time that this would never last.


I want to get more into Buddhism again. I've been reading up on it some more and relaized I had forgotten how morally and spiritually attractive it is. I really must change a lot of the ways I am acting, and I think a lot of the ideals will help me. I am going to start taking better care of myself in a lot of ways, and start being more open minded. There is this type of meditation that I have been trying that helps you deal with the idea of death. It is very scary but hopefully will help me out. I just feel like I have become a lot colder and more judgemental over the passing months and I really need to turn myself around. I can do it. I just need to put effort into it.

Dear god I miss the Y.

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