RP Designs

2005-09-03 - 5:02 p.m.
All my bags are packed I'm ready to go.

So the last of my bags are packed. my room is bare. It an amazing thing when you realize your entire life can be packed into 2 70 lbs or under bags and one carry-on.

It was a funny thing saying goodbye to people. Some I hadn't seen in months so it was kind of like "Oh hey....k bye" nothing. No offence. Just the truth. Some it felt like it was same old same old. The kind of "See ya later" vibe. Then others....well let's just say the Jay's will be sorely missed out in Victoria. More than anyone will know.

You know the final section of this post could go both ways. I could get all mushy and say you guys have been the greatest and blah blah but it'd be a lie. I've barely seen most of you since school ended. Or I could go the other way and say how I won't miss anyone and you are all suckers and I'm glad to be out of this piss pot of a city. But I can't say that without lying either.

So I guess all I can say is this it's been good and it's been bad. I don't like alot of people and I expect more people don't like me but you know what. I'm not out to impress anyone. I don't bullshit. Like me or don't. I am who I am and I do what I do and I'm not going to cater to anyone. Fuck off if you can't handle that.

I don't know where that came from I guess I just needed to get it off my chest.

I'm sorry for anything wrong I might have done. And I forgive anyone who did wrong by me. I refuse to live my life in the past. The future and the past has already come and gone by the time you finish this sentence.

I don't know what else to say. This has already gone on way too long. So I'll just say this. It's been good and it's been bad and either way I have no regrets.

Peace be with

James Robert Avramenko
Victoria Student at large

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