RP Designs

2005-04-21 - 8:11 p.m.
Sucka' MC's can call me sire!

I got my diploma in the mail today (well, my parents did, the school doesnt know that I have escaped from Calgary) So I am officially grad-u-ma-wated. High School was really a bunch of crap...well, I mean it was fun cause all of you guys were there, but other than the lunch time when we hung out and having parties and such, Highschool was pretty damn LAMESAUCE with a capital LAME... and a capital SAUCE for that matter.

I'm going to be going to VFS (Vancouver Film School) in the fall, so soon I will be learning the ways of producing movies AND the sound design for films. MWAHAHAHAHA, life = good. and then I'm going to make a movie and have all of you suckers star in it, and it's going ot be the best damn movie EVER and then everyone is going to be like: "Woah geeze, that movie made me just shit my pants it was so good." and then we'll all be famous, and rich, and will each buy our own private island and submarines... and possibly elephants... or killer whales. Either way. JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE, it'll happen.

Anywho, just thought I would tell you all the future. And to say: HAVE A WONDERFULL WEEK/REST OF SCHOOL YEAR!

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