RP Designs

2005-03-04 - 11:28 p.m.
Diet/Exercise Plan

The ONLY way to lose the weight off of your hips is through cardio (as I am sure you know). Doing abs forever wont help you any. Also, just eating less. Not starving yourself or anything but just cutting down on the extras.

Ok, so here's the plan (this is for me too because I better fucking get a nice stomach and nice legs this year or I have to go completely insane):


Replace sugary coffee/pop/juice with caffeinated tea (no sugar obviously)/water/LIGHT juice.

Replace chips with crackers. Anytime you crave them, go for crackers instead..still the filling sensation with a million less calories.

Drink more water!! Not only is this just generally healthy, it'll make you feel more full and therefore you won't eat as much. People often mistake thirst with hunger.

Cut down on junk!! Bring HEALTHY snacks to munch on all day long. Crackers and cheese, fruit, yogurt, vegetables, pretzels, craisins et cetera et cetera. This way, you have something when the craving for disgusting bad food kicks in that is healthy and will make you feel full. It also is good to be eating small snacks through out the day.

Replace ice cream with frozen yogurt or sorbet. If you are at home and want ice cream or something like it, make a smoothie instead with milk, ice cubes and the fruit of your choice (recently I've found banannas work really really well!) This is doubly-good, too because of the calcium!

Just generally, always stop and think before you eat; are you REALLY hungry? Or are you eating just for the sake of it? A lot of the time I know I personally just eat out of boredom. This is the time when I have to stop myself, get a glass of water, then find something to paint my nails or go do homework, the feeling of hunger usually goes away when you arent thinking about it.

Oh! also, with meals SLOW DOWN. I find I eat so much less when I do this. It is so simple but it really does work, because where I ususally eat quickly then go for seconds, if I take the effort to actually concentrate on what I am eating then I feel full and wont need to get up for more.


Make an effort to do AT LEAST 15 minutes of cardio on the days you don't work out. Remember this even includes going out for a walk, if nothing else. Just take a break from your homework and walk around your block or something. Usually if you set out for 15minutes you'll go for longer.

I know you go to the gym, so I needent mention that, really other than the fact that if you REALLY want to lose the weight you have to just push yourself more. To ensure you don't reach a plateau, switch back and forth between speed/distance on the eliptical/treadmill or what ever you are doing for cardio.

Add ten minutes of intense cardio at the very end of your workout before relaxation, then use the stretching as a reward for yourself. Remember, ten minutes of usual pace on a tredmill is about 100 calories, if you increase your speed by even 1 km/hr this'll jump to about 150. This all adds up.

General things such as : taking the stairs, walking to the mailbox et cetera, et cetera all help too.

Make sure you are doing weights. Having muscle helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Even when you are sitting on the couch you burn more if you have some.

Since I am trying to do this too, I'm thinking of some recreational things we could do together (with others if they want to join us too) that would help:
-go to the pool
-play tennis
-go climbing!!
-rent a canoe from the canoe club for an afternoon
-go to those dance classes I am always talking about (the $5 ones on friday nights)
-find music shows that DON'T suck, and go to them and dance

et cetera et cetera

Overall, the only way you can POSSIBLY lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn. So just always consider what you are eating, and when you are excercising (and how much).

I don't know if that helped at all since it was just basic knowledge. We should get together and talk about this in person one day and maybe we can work together and like yell at one another if we are eating something we shouldn't or w/e harhar. (if you want) We could make actuall goals and sorrt of "buddy up" in reaching them. I think I'm going for the 2 inches off my hips too so, yeah. Let's ACTUALLY do it together. I am sick of those two inches!!! Haha.


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