RP Designs

2005-01-02 - 10:49 p.m.
You never said anything 'bout love and destruction

I think religion is just one of those things that got popular, and even though it's completly ridiculous and everyone KNOWS that it doesnt make sense, it hangs around like the plauge, like Mullets and 80's fashion...everyone KNOWS it was a mistake, but it's still coming back in style.

I dont understand how anyone could beleive in a faith that is based around so much hatred and fear... All I've ever seen of Catholicism is finger pointing, and horror stories trying to instill the fear of Hell into children.And then theres the term 'god fearing' which I NEVER understood,because if god is so holy and worth worshiping and kind to us, then why would he want us to be afraid of him?

I beleive that such a thing as a 'soul' doesnt necisarily exist, but rather that it's a combination of the energy in your body, and the materials that you are made of. All matter on the planet is connected and recycled, and we're made of the same materials as the trees, and the mountains, the other animals, and even other humans. So, when we die, our bodies return to the planet, and we are reborn as part of the planet. We become the trees, we become the rocks, the animals, the ocean, and the energy of the sun (not to mention everything else). Energy, electromagnetic and nuclear forces, as well as gravity, connect all things and all matter together. Everything you do effects everything else in the Universe, even in just a small way...
It just makes alot more sense to me than "you have this thing in you called a soul that you cant see, touch, feel or even prove exists, and if you're bad it goes to a really bad place, and if you're good it goes to a really good place, but we're not exactly sure where these places are, or if they exist."
It's the same premis as santa clause "be good, or god will smite you" and "be good, or santa wont bring you anything good" are pretty much the same thing.

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