RP Designs

2005-01-02 - 11:43 p.m.

I'm agreeing with the person who said that unleast Bush is giving aid to Asia.
Sure he gave more money to Florida, but to him Florida is like a child. Alright i see it as, who would you give more aid to, your child suffering of skin Cancer, or that old man down the street suffering of Brian cancer? Sure the old mans type of cancer is wrose then your childs, but your child is your own kin.
Plus Buch also needed to win over votes from Florida so that it wouldnt be another re-voting fiasco.
Also sure Bush is being "Selfish" but hes not the president of the World...he is not required to even give any aid at all even. Just because the states is one of the most wealthy nations doesnt mean it should baby at all rest, does it? Then it may just seem that Bush would rule the world.
Plus if Canada gave the same amount, are you saying that Canada is selfish, and cheap too?

religion time.

Saying religion is just a fad...i thought that once to, and sometimes i still do. But it gives people something to dream about, something to hold on to for, something to ease the pain of their suffering. I have noticed that when people either get old, or diagnosed with some form of terminal illness they often turn to religion, and that gives them the hope of life after death, it gives them the beleif that a "miracle" just might happen. And i myself dont beleive in miracles, but i still beleive if it will help someones will theres nothing wrong with it.
I once was also very confused to why people would believe in something fake, and asked very many questions, and i got the reply of its because some people just need that little bit of blind faith, that leadership, that anything, i cannot explain properly. Also the chruch organizations have done wonders for society, they give to charatys, needy childern, help keep homeless off the street, previde shelter for lost or battered women(YWCA), i even have a friend who often tturns up there, and they even help keep childern off the street.
Sure they scare people against things like sex before marraige, drinking, drugs, to not be bad cause you'll go to hell...but... all those things they are against are a burden on the human race anyway.
Sex before your married and having a kid(that is of course what is feared) is bad because it can break a family, and the kid could grow up in a un-safe environment.
Drinking, well look what it did to the Native Americans, they used to be respected, and great, and there race has been shamed, and disgrace and has falling to peices because of booze. Also is can break a family with addictions.
Drugs, again you can get addicted, waste all your money become homeless on the street, burden burden burden.
Sure you agrue all these things are O.K in moderation, but some people do not know when to quit, and religion figures if you never start in the first place theres no danger.

i dislike religion for myself, but i will respect anyone for their own beliefs.

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