RP Designs

2008-09-16 - 4:00 p.m.
A fantastic story

True story (as told by a girl in my english class):

So this girl was babysitting her friend's dog on a farm outside of calgary this summer. The dog started to get very ill in her friend's absence, so she took the dog to the vet. The vet checked the dog and ran some tests and found it was terminally ill. The choices were a) a very expensive surgery that would likely not save the dog, or only prolong its life by a minute amount of time, or b) put the dog down. The girl did not want to make this decision for her friend, so took the dog home and tried to repeatedly get in contact with her. After a few days there was no response from her friend and the dog was getting much worse, so she decided to have the vet put it to sleep. After the deed was done, she finally reached the friend and explained to her what had happened. The friend asked her to please bury the dog on their farm. The girl agreed, and not having a car, packed the dead dog into her backpack and got on the bus.
On the ride home, a man sat down beside her and started hitting on her. He was good looking, so she flirted back. He asked her what she had in her bag and she responded by telling him she had her school books and laptop in there. When she got off the bus she was startled to see that the man had also gotten off at the same stop. However, as she turned around to walk, he punched her hard in the back of the head, stole her bag and ran off!


Haha! Some sucker just stole a bag filled with dead dog!

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