RP Designs

2007-05-11 - 10:59 p.m.

Just months away from my twentieth birthday and I have finally seen my father drunk.
Yes, DOCTOR Burnsy had a few too many wines tonight and is officially drunk...and I laughed quite a lot. My mom asked me if I was sleeping in tomorrow morning - to which my father replied with a slur "jesus - what is with you and sleep sherri? That is all you talk about." When we told him he was drunk and had no idea what we were even talking about he said (all red and squinty eyed) "yeah, well you two are making a lot of sense too!" He went to let my dog outside for about the fifth time in ten minutes, and my mom told him she didn't need out and he slurred "Yeah? Well she was LOOKING at me." I laughed,and he replied "oh, you are SOOO quick to judge."
Hahaha oh, Burnsy.

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