RP Designs

2007-03-16 - 12:11 p.m.

I am actually loving my time in Halifax right now. It has taken me nearly the entire school year, but I have finally found parts of this city that I love. I don't know if it is BECAUSE I am leaving so soon, or if it is independant of that. Whatever the reason, I am finally feeling good. I've been working out 6 times a week, eating really healthy, hanging out with friends a couple times a week, doing really well academically, and have discovered new little stores and restaraunts and things that I really enjoy. I have four good friends here - not a lot, I suppose...but really, really cool people. Two are staying in Halifax, one is moving to Montreal and the other is moving back to Poland. It is very weird to have to say goodbye to friends that in all likelyhood, I will never see again. I guess it happens.
I must get to class, however. I hope all is well with everybody.

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