RP Designs

2007-01-20 - 9:48 a.m.
Techni COLOR!

Now boys!

Anyways, I saw children of men the other night in Kamloops, with my fathers strange hillbilly friend. He told me about the time he was almost shot in the Congo, and I told him about Cargo Cults because I couldn't think of anything good to say. Then the movie started, his comment after was: Boy, talk about a lot of baby crazy people, eh? Yes, strange that, a baby causing all that excitment after women have been incapable of concieving eighteen years or so. When we got back to his farm he offered me pie and icecream, and for breakfast he offered me pancakes and icecream. The roads were terrible between kamloops and revelstoke, my car skidded on ice when trying to pass a tractor and I was almost turned into a sandwich between the tractor and a speeding semi truck. I hyperventilated for about ten minutes after, stupid car not having snow tires.
I can't decide where i should work now, I need to make enough money to 1. pay off my stupid visa. 2. Pay my rent and 3. Buy a plane ticket. I also need to decide where to go, spain is very intruiging right now, but I would also really like to go to Tibet. At least I currently have ridiculous amounts of time to make these decisions.

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