RP Designs

2006-07-09 - 9:39 p.m.
Metabolic flexibility

ARGH... back in town.
Fucking murder flew through the park, just as my inner child was screaming: I shouldn't have coffee, I shouldn't have coffee, I shouldn't have coffee. Fire in the L.A airport, a horse in the hotel. It's good to be home, it's good to be back.

So whilest up in the air, an extra 45 minutes because there was a huge rain storm (we almost got redirected to Saskatoon) I was reading a national geographic and wouldnt you know they found a way to turn a mammal into a reptile. Reptile in slowing its heart rate, breathing patterns, whilest its body temperature droped 40 degrees. After a while of this, they brought the little mammel(A mouse) back to normal and it actually went back to normal no side effects. So kiddies, heya, heya who smells cryogenics!?

.... Just thought you all should know.

They did this by giving the mouse a different mix of air to breath(Hydrogen sulfide). Then said "Being alive is a bit like being on fire"

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