RP Designs

2005-09-13 - 9:01 p.m.

It hasn't so far, and I don't think it should, unless some comment is taken in a completely wrong way which happens quite a bit, this being the inanimate space of cyber and all.
Of course, the things themselves which represent all of these wrongs aren't necessarily individually the wrong. I mean, I drive one, and I have absolutely no intention of going down that road. For one thing, when I drive my minivan, I turn up the base, which is not soccer-momish, unless of course they are playing vapid rap for their pre-teens, a type of music that I don't advocate nor listen to. Whew, long sentence. For another, it often means travelling to me. My family has gone around in this thing from end of the country to another. It has hauled out our skis, and tents, and my high-heels to various locations. Often, the high-heels don't mix with the tents, but you'd be surprised how dressy one needs to be to go skiing. You can't just show up in any old ski boot, oh no. It has to be shiny. I hate my ski boots. Chinese water torture? Nothing on what they do to my shins. Anyways. That's the extent of my sportiness. I for one in am no way headed down soccer-mom lane. I just happened to learn to drive on this beast, and learned a lot in it, both as a person and a driver (really, I am so much better than I used to be). I don't ever actually realize I am driving a minivan, because I never actually see the thing, as I am in the front seat. For one, I've already vetoed my original plan of a practical joint degree in business and humanities, because after a lot of busy research (my god, campus walking is tough and long), I realized I have no interest in it whatsoever. Plus, I'd have to take math and computer science. One could argue such a degree would represent vapid corporate America (wow, two vapids in one entry), and the manipulative world of marketing and stocks. Egh. Stocks. Anyways, I've kind of gone on too long, and on too many tangents, but while I know you are all smart enough to use subjective relavitism (anthropology), ie, be able to take a step back from preconceptions and bias, I also understand the symbolism attatched to such a mass-produced and vapid product as the minivan (three. I could have used a far better-fitting word, but I just wanted to throw vapid in again). Plus, this is just my view. I don't associate minivans with those popular ideas, because I drive one, and I am not one. So, yeah, no confrontation, no mean catty arguement. Just laid back banter. Er...I need a thesaurus.

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