RP Designs

2005-06-19 - 8:53 p.m.

I am so damn sick of all the "scene" kids, the indie kids, the punk rock kids. They all think they're being so diverse and cool and they hate the government, they only listen to music that isn't mainstream and they all want to be fucking artists and then they spend the next ten years in coffee shops smoking and talking about books they've only read the first ten pages of. There's fifteen year old girls hanging out with twenty six year olds and running around talking about ass sex and thinking that their being shocking and hip. Well they're not. Your giggling about sodomy on the c-train, so fucking what, it's not like you discovered something new or taboo you little shit, i doubt your making anyone uncomfortable, you just sound like a drugged up idiot.
But what i hate even more than these kids, is the fact that i am doing nothing right now. At least they think they're making a difference, at least they think they're being new and original and that by jumping around and screaming SEX on a public street they're actually making a statement. I am sitting here thinking about how i want to change things, how i want to write something worth while or teach somebody something knew or create something. Instead i'm ranting about these kid who i don't even hate,alot of whom i actually like, instead i am being pretentious and thinking that i'm better cause i know i'm not changing the world. I need to start doing things, i am sick and tired of sitting around and waiting for another person to fix life, i am sick of being satisfied with the mediocre, i am sick of having no motivation and i am sick of feeling like the world is a lost cause.

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