RP Designs

2005-03-23 - 4:43 p.m.
Hello from Ireland

oh man, typing in that password in a different country...

So dudes i'm Ireland right now, at an internet cafe. I have not competed yet, thats tomorrow at 8am... 1am your guys' time... time difference, yep 7 hours. Owell i have sorta ajusted, i just dont think about it and i am fine.

Woah this morning was so lovely after breakfest(an irish breakest, with the different "puddings" and all... dont worry didnt touch the black one) i went for a run along the main road, it was sunny out, but lightly sprinkling rain, so so so so soooo nice, with the birds chriping, and then the crows squaking, my god theres so many here, like.... every tree has at least 2 or 3 nests, its crazy!

and the candy here yum yum yum yum!!

and theres even a bush full of cats!
ahahaha thats what some locals were telling me, cause yesterday i went to the town and of course i had my camera out, with my zoom lens, and some school kids, about my age came up to me and started showing off and kept asking me to take there picture, so i did, ahah they were pretty nice, but mouths like sailors!

surprisingly i havent bought anything materialistic yet, only candy, yum yum yum yum yum, but thats whaty Limerick is for on saturday! i'll be broke yet again! oh no!

and elly-pants, dont worry i did not look at your message yet, i kept my work not to look untill i compete^_^

oh man the weather is so nice to, aside from the constant rain, which is alright by me though, it turns into sunny, and its also around +15, so just a sweater usualy works.

This internet cafe i'm in is pretty quant, dim yellowish lighting, people talking hushly in different languages, different accents, really gives you the other wordly feel, its nice.
My parents have also left me to enjoy thois internet time on my own, which is nice, cause then you can think better i find.

Its silly that what part of the country your from really makes a different, everyone keeps asking me what part of the states i'm from, then i politely say i#m from western Canada, then the turn around and arrrre super nice, then start saying they hate bush as well, its quite funny.
Apparntly he was here awhile ago and he didnt even stop to talk to any of the locals, he just landed, went to his hotel, went to a conference left... if i were a big wig somewhere i'd be all over the town!
but then again i dont think i'll ever be a big wig, hahah but thats ok!

ekkk dancing tomorrow.... sandwhiched between to world champs... should be interesting... should be interesting.
See how they act towards each other, see if they put on a facade, and since i'm such a Melanie i'll study and analyse that, hahaha oooh me oh my, 6 minutes till my time is up.
Havent really gone sight seeing yet thats on sunday, but that shall be loads of fun.

Well hope the weather is treating you all nice, and that your having loads of fun at school(last day i think right?) and have fun parting during spring break, and i shall see all you hip cats when i get back!!!

P.s. we should still totally go up to the mountains, and i can tell fun things from my travels^_^

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