RP Designs

2005-02-28 - 11:16 p.m.

woah I always thought I'd be the one to leave first, then i realised even though i also hear almost everything after it happens, and hardly hang out with the crew itself, it doesnt mean i'm not still a member of the "community" we've built.
And even though you may feel left out or like you dont belong that just maybe why we like you, cause come on who wants to hang out with a bunch of the same people, similar yes we are, but not the same. I often feel like i dont belong, but without me there'd be no one to take up the "obsessive stalker creep" motiff! and without you, you knows what will be missing!

And also with the hearing stuff after it happens, remember these guys are drama (no offence) you've got to make a shreak to get the worm, have yourself heard, haha you know what i'm talking about, like at jas's when everyone is talking at once, one must be loud.

But if you want to leave.... we cant stop you, you can only stop yourself.

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