RP Designs

2005-01-05 - 10:58 p.m.


Lenin vs Stalin
cause like he was all mean and shit, plus he shares my b-day, even though i do love lenin, and lenin shaped cookies, but he seems more like a mommas boy, and stalin more like a brute.

Leo DiCaprio vs JTT
whos jtt?
i'll pick leo however, cause he was in that movie the beach, and that movie had a good soundtrack.

Peter Griffin vs Homer Simpson
HOMER, all the way!!!!
Like even if there strength was the same, homers more tolerent, like the time he was a robot in robot wars, and when he got a crayon up his nose, and all peter has to show is when he didnt have bones, but if this was a battle with bones, homer totally! plus homer has been to space.

Tegan vs Sara
Well i think sara is cuter, but tegan does have that facial piercing which adds toughness points, so i think Tegan would win, but then sara would be sad, cry, and sing a song about it.
One of my friendos is related to them, shes their cousin.

Al Pacino vs Robert Deniro
not sure...

Count Chocula vs Captain Cru
VAMPIRE!!! aka the count
vampires have such an advantage over a pirate, and look at his fangs, he could just sink that into the captains face and WIN WIN WIN!!

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