RP Designs

2004-12-28 - 8:50 p.m.
Jesus in the media

This post is not meant to insult anyone or their beliefs. It is meant to make you stop and ponder. I've been doing alot of that since I started reading this book "Survivor". There's alot of theories thrown at you throughout the book the most recent (i'm about half way) being this...

If Jesus Christ had died in prison, with no one watching and with no one there to mourn or torture him, would we be saved? The biggest factor that makes you a saint is the amount of press coverage you get. The same as if a tree in the forest falls and no one is there to hear it, you realize, if no one had been there to witness his agony would we still be saved? The key to salvation is how much attention you get.

I think that's a neat idea. Just thought some of you may enjoy mulling over this. Or you know...maybe not.

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