RP Designs

2004-12-23 - 11:39 p.m.
To Davey... Extreme sap.

I love you.
You are, hands down, the most influential person in my life. You have changed me, and helped me grow and I would not be who I am without you.
When you told me you were leaving, it forced me to think about all that you've done for me, and all the lessons you've helped me learn.
At times, our relationship was co-dependent and unhealthy, but I never wanted to stop having you in my life. It's just that crazy, powerful love that's not romantic, but much, much more than friendly. You know what I mean.
No one else has the power to make me insanely happy or ridiculously angry like you do.
I love you, and I'm going to miss you. When you leave, an entire chapter of my life, five of the best, worst, craziest years, will be over.
But I know you'll always be in my life.
Like you said, whether I like it or not, I'm stuck with you, and I wouldn't change that for anything.
Love always,

(I know I broke blog rules and put my name on this, but I think it's okay in this case.)

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